Rules & Regulations

Absentee Policy

  • Regular attendance is necessary if students are to gain the greatest possible benefit from school activities.
  • Whenever a child is away from school, his/her parents are required to contact the school via the telephone (before 10:00 a.m.) the school secretary/ principal/Manager to notify this absence. To ensure all children’s safety we will contact all families where children are absent and unaccounted for via SMS.
  • Every family fills in a record sheet on enrolment. If the address or telephone number for either residence, employment or emergency contact changes, please notify us via the written application, so that we can alter our records accordingly. We may need to contact you during the day.
  • Please make sure that the children have some idea of your where abouts each day in case of an accident or sickness at school.
  • If a child has to leave for a medical requirement or doctor’s appointment between the school timing , a note must come from home with the child. The child should be picked up from the school office by the adult accompanying the child to the appointment. For security reasons children cannot be collected from the street side.
  • When a child has to leave the school during school hours for any reason they must be signed out in the office by the adult picking the child up with proper Id documents and parents concern.
  • This is a duty of parents to notified school when their wards reached at home.
  • When a child is absent the school must be notified in proper format and proper channel


The Staff of Amrit Vidya Peeth Hr. Sec. School are committed to the concepts and the rule and guideline’s of Agencies “ NO HOME WORK FOR PRE-PRIMARY , CLASS I & II “
In adherence to above policy no home work will be allotted in pre-primary classes and class I & II , the purpose of this policy to free the students for learning from the environment and they learn with the enjoyment , also we adhere the rules that reduce the bag weight of the students .

Homework policy

This policy is designed to outline the purposes and practices of Home Work activities at Amrit Vidya Peeth Hr. Sec. School. It will offer teachers and parents a flexible guideline to adapt home activities to the needs of the individual child. The school hopes to reinforce that home activities can be a variety of experiences designed to develop communication between home and school, develop resilience and time management skills as well as reinforcing prior learning and extending students when possible.

The Purpose of Home Activities

The Staff of Amrit Vidhya Peeth Hr. Sec. School are committed to the concepts of regular homework as a means of:
  • Establish for students, worthwhile numeracy and literacy study habits.
  • Ensuring academic transitioning processes are the best they can be from one year level to the next.
  • Develop independent learning skills.
  • Encourage an enjoyment of learning in a different setting.
  • Offer an opportunity for children to demonstrate their learning to parents.
  • Be a vehicle for communication between parent & child about the school day in general.
  • Act as part of the communication process between home and school.
  • Encourage the development of study habits such as responsibility and time management
  • Reinforce learning.
Home Activities will always be set with a defined purpose. They will be designed to suit the needs of the individual child and family. Within these guidelines, the classroom teacher, in consultation with parents and students, will adapt these Home Activities to suit particular class activities and interests.
A well rounded development of individual knowledge happens not only from textbooks and formal education but more from the learner's personal experiences, individual inquisitive nature and social surroundings. Homework is an area of importance and to make it more relevant for the middle classes, appropriate strategies and meaningful activities may be designed and suggested to the schools that give more time to child to explore his/her environment to develop the creative thinking. These activities would be framed in a way that they keep the child interested and therefore would also help in enhancing the learning process. Homework is one of the areas that need urgent attention. As the students in the middle years are well informed about collecting a lot of information, the importance of making their homework interesting and meaningful becomes more relevant. They develop a certain learning style and want to know and find more and more. Efforts should be made to make homework more creative and interesting so that the students do not feel burdensome while doing it and the ultimate purpose of providing homework is served. A survey was conducted through questionnaire prepared by CBSE to collect feedback from its various stakeholders i.e. parents, teachers, students and other educationists on "Alternatives to Homework at Upper Primary Level" for Classes VI-VIII so that appropriate strategies and meaningful activities can be designed and suggested to schools. The questions were directed to know the ideal length and purpose of the homework, whether homework should be assigned in all the subjects, internet usage should be a part of the homework or not, how homework helps in teaching and whether same homework should be given to all the students. All respondents unanimously agreed that Homework cannot be skipped as it is the most essential part of learning. However, there is a need for a change in the type of homework set. All the respondents agreed that homework must be:
  • creative
  • interesting
  • purposeful
  • meaningful
  • properly planned
  • in tandem with the class room work
  • interactive
helpful in enhancing the skills of students. according to the ability and interest of the learner. They also stated that homework must not be a burden pressure for students must be for students and not for their parents. must not be a means to complete the syllabus. Also, Instead of using the term Homework, Self Work or Practice Work must be used.
Stress must be on value based education and application oriented skills. Keeping in view these emerging issues, there is a need to think about giving quality homework emphasising on acquiring applied learning skills. Few points can be kept in mind while designing a quality homework: Provide students capacity building activities which are followed up and acknowledged like drawing, creative writing, making puzzles, stories, plays, and craft. Provide them assignments which reinforce their reading, writing and researching skills. Homework must enable the student to practice a skill independently. A possible discussion can be held with different children on what they would like to do at home to improve in which ever area they deem necessary. Homework must be designed in a way that maximizes the chances of its completion by the students. Parents should be able to understand the child's needs and schools' suggestions on how to learn mathematics, logical reasoning, etc. by doing puzzles, writing letters, reading to elders from the newspapers, making household lists, recipe making and cooking. Learners who have dyslexia or number difficulty should have practice assignments overcoming their problems. As per National Curriculum Framework (NCF), 2005 "If learning is continuous, and takes place in arenas other than the school, such as home, workplace, community, etc., then school assignments or homework should be planned differently. It need not depend on parents reinforcing what the school has already done. It could set different kinds of activities for children to do, on their own or with their parents. This could also provide opportunities for parents to understand a little more about what their child is learning in the school and give children the initial impetus to explore and recognize the world outside the school as an arena for learning". The curriculum should be designed in a way that allows children to be able to ask questions, doing things on their own and reproducing the textual knowledge by integrating their own experiences with school knowledge. The child in middle school is well informed about a lot of information and has developed a learning style. There are subjects or aspects that the children like more and quickly learn. There is a keenness to discover more and prepare for the examination. Learning is about developing new faculties, which become useful as an adult. The years 12 to 15 are years when rules become important, and doing well, excelling, are given importance both at home and in the school. As the child grows physically his/her emotional maturity also grows and there are interests which are beyond just what lessons can give. The homework assigned should:
  1. Enhance study habits and practice skills (which learners are able to perform independently)
  2. Reinforce necessary skills both scholastic and co-scholastic among the learners.
  3. Enable learners to become independent learners and thinkers and develop among them 21st century skills.
  4. Lead to the improvement in the academic achievement of the learner.
  5. Expand on the existing knowledge of the learners and be a part of the already acquired competencies in the classroom.
  6. Not put unneeded pressure or stress by including new learning material or difficult material to be worked upon by learners themselves.
  7. Be interesting, innovative and somewhat challenging so that the learners can make use of their thinking skills.
  8. Keep alive the spirit of enquiry and research among the learners.
  9. Be curriculum based and as per developmental needs of the learners.
  10. Not require specific resources or technology which is not accessible to all learners.
  11. Have clearly defined, purposeful, creative and engaging activities.
  12. Enable the learner to do the assigned homework independently wherein the role of parents is to provide conducive environment to do the assigned work rather than monitoring the child all the time till he/she finishes his/her homework.
At the upper primary level, the major objectives of assigning homework is - Building child's memory, Preparing them for examination, Enhancing learning skills. In context of the above, the following weightings may be considered while designing the activities - Class VI Class VII Class VIII Drill/Practice 40% 20-25 Minutes 25 Minutes 25 Minutes Extension of Learning 30% 20 Minutes 20 Minutes 25 Minutes Creation 30% 20 Minutes 35 Minutes 30 Minutes 1 hour per day 1 hour 20 minutes per day 1 hour 20 minutes per day.

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